Conchita Easton

Conchita Easton has lived all of her adult life in Bruce County. Influenced by the area’s wide botanical, geographic and wildlife diversity, she has achieved many noted certificates as a florist, Dietary Aide, and Mentor within the CNIB, to People with visual impairments.

Cnchigta Easton

Conchita has been visually impaired since 1980 and suffers from Starrgarrd’s Dystrophy and Muscular degeneration.

Her love for animals has followed her since her earliest days, as a child “adopting orphaned critters” to helping her husband return injured and orphaned wildlife back to the wild.

During her days as a “rehabber” she raised several species of birds and mammals back to health and happiness, returning them to their natural environment.

Although clinically blind, Conchita’s extraordinary ability to see what most do not, has given her the opportunity to gather pictures, thought and everyday occurrences and direct them to her fondest goal. This book is one such goal. She has had to overcome several obstacles to present this book so that young people with visual impairment can “listen” to it on talking books or “read” it by way of Braille.It is her greatest wish to provide a small insight into the wonderful world we have around us. If only one person stops to take time to “see” this book will be a success.